Friday, November 18, 2011

Protozoa and Passive Immunity

Indications for use drugs: treatment for endometriosis, for the treatment of vasomotor manifestations in menopause; to contraception. Dosing and Administration of drugs: endometriosis - g / 50 mg 1 time per week or 100 mg 1 every two weeks for 6 months; Inferior Vena Cava manifestations in menopause - g / 150 mg 1 time for 12 sizzled contraception - recommended dose is 150 mg suspension for injection every three months, g / implementation; first injection used during the first 5 days of normal menstrual cycle in 5 days after birth, if a woman is breast feeding or after termination of lactation, or 6 weeks after birth when they can not give up breastfeeding. of 0.75 mg to 1.5 mg. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: causes endometrial proliferation, stimulates the development of cancer and secondary female sexual characteristics of their underdevelopment, eliminates the common frustration of insufficient function of sexual glands in women and has hypocholesterinemic sizzled Indications for use drugs: amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea, metrorahiyi (including menopause), a disease caused by lack of ovarian function (dysmenorrhea, and hyper-hipomenoreya, menstrual disorders), infertility, climacteric disorder, common acne, unwanted lactation. Side effects and complications in the use of sizzled breakthrough sizzled c-m false cystitis; breasts - pain and swelling pressure, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, constipation, jaundice, or chloasma melizma, often lasting until the end of the drug, erythema multiforme, nodular erythema, increased corneal curvature, intolerance to contact lenses, headache, migraine, dizziness, mental depression, chorea, and violation of spermatogenesis impotence (in men) increase or decrease weight, decrease carbohydrate tolerance, swelling, change in libido, water retention sizzled sodium ions. Method of production of drugs: Table. Contraindications to the use of drugs: pregnancy or lactation, vaginal bleeding unknown etiology; breast cancer or suspicion of it; peredzloyakisni states or malignancies that are dependent on sex steroids, or suspect them; liver tumors at present or in history (benign or malignant), severe liver disease, arterial thrombosis in the city stage (eg MI, stroke); aggravation deep vein thrombosis, thromboembolic violation at this time or information about data in the history of the disease, severe forms of hypertriglyceridemia, hypersensitivity to the drug sizzled . liver disease, complicated by hyperbilirubinemia (c-mi Gilbert, Dryuk-Johnson and Rotor) thromboembolic violation; utilities; cholecystitis; chloasma, cholestatic jaundice, cerebrovascular changes, severe SS disease, otosclerosis, pronounced AH and violation of lipid metabolism, jaundice and severe idiopathic itchy skin or a history of herpes pregnant, impotence (in men) violating spermatogenesis, pregnancy, lactation (ethinylestradiol suppresses lactation, penetrates into the breast milk) for children age 12 years. Side effects and complications in the use sizzled drugs: changes in vaginal bleeding and nature of pathological or severe bleeding, breakthrough bleeding, krovomazannya (these violations are usually normalized to the continuation of treatment), dysmenorrhea, vaginal secretions change, with-m, similar to peredmestrualnoho, sore breasts, a sense of tension or increase breast; indigestion, bloating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rashes, various skin disorders (including pruritus, eczema, urticaria, acne, hirsutism, hair loss, pretibial erythema), headache, migraine, dizziness, anxiety, depressed mood, fatigue, palpitations, sizzled muscle cramps, changes in body weight, increased appetite, change in libido, blurred vision, intolerance to contact lenses, hypersensitivity reactions. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to ethinylestradiol, estrogen neoplastic processes in women under the age of 60 years (endometrial carcinoma), mastopathy, Aortic Stenosis undiagnosed uterine bleeding; hr. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G03CA01 - gonads hormones and drugs used in the pathology of sexual sphere. to 0.05 mg.

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